From Broken Tiles and Crumbling Walls…

October 20, 2018. Last year, on Día de los Muertos, I ventured over to San Fernando Cemetery to place the beautiful traditional Mexican marigolds, cempasuchitl, at the graves of three Urrutia generations. This year, the spirit of Día de los Muertos visited me a bit earlier, initiated by a trip to Xochimilco, Mexico in early October to meet friends face to face for the first time. Recovering memories of Dr. Aureliano Urrutia in Xochimilco and San Antonio…Read more>>>

Miraflores Shines on TPR

May 22, 2018. If you're a Texas Public Radio fan, then you probably heard Jack Morgan's story on Miraflores this past Friday. Jack interviewed me about Dr. Aureliano Urrutia’s garden, and expertly wove together an overview of family history and current restoration efforts at this unique garden. Read more>>>

Broadway Stroll Reflects Beautiful Path

August 26, 2017. From his survey of Houston Street, architect Tim Palomera first became interested in the Urrutia family, because he knew that Doctor Urrutia had built an office complex between Laredo and Santa Rosa Streets, where the Rosa Verde Towers now stand. The complex included offices for himself and his physician sons, an outpatient surgical facility, and Farmacia Urrutia, run by his pharmacist daughter. Read more>>>

Exploration at Miraflores

July 30, 2017. Ground crews have carefully uncovered several unexpectedly large walkways that have been buried underneath tons of gravel/dirt (up to 2 feet deep) for almost 40 years. Miraflores was the unique garden expression of Dr. Aureliano Urrutia, who came to San Antonio from Mexico City in 1914. Read more>>>

Miraflores to Resprout

June 11, 2017. Phase IV will highlight a bronze statue of Urrutia, given to him in 1940 by a grateful patient from Mexico City.  Urrutia placed it at the center of a 36-foot reflecting pool and constructed around it an “outdoor room” with a brick walkway encircling the fountain, surrounded by “walls” of trees and shrubs. Read more>>>